Salud, Seguridad y proteccion

Your health, safety and security are of paramount importance to us while you are in Broadstairs. We would, por lo tanto, advise you to take very special care with regard to your physical condition as well as your possessions. LanguageUk provides a safe environment for its learners, staff and visitors.

Health and Welfare

If you are unable to attend the school due to illness, please ensure you inform your homestay and contact the school directly as soon as possible. If you are U18 and here as an individual student your home stay host will contact us for you. If you require medical attention, the school will take responsibility for this. If you fall seriously ill outside school time, please contact the Student Advisor on the emergency numbers given at enrolment.

Estudiantes a largo plazo: registrarse con un médico

We recommend that all students staying in the UK for over 3 months should register with their local Doctor. Podemos ayudarlo a organizar esto a su llegada a la escuela..

servicio Nacional de Salud:

Accident and Emergency Department
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
St Peters Road
tel: 01843 225544

C-Doc Margate (out of hours’ service)
de lunes a viernes
6.30 p.m. – 8 a.m.
Weekends 03000 242424
NHS: 0845 4647 help line

Treatment under the National Health Service (NHS) is free if you are a national of an EEA country or if your country has a full reciprocal agreement with Britain. sin embargo, if neither of these applies, you will have to pay if you are admitted to a hospital bed (unless the illness is an infectious one). Only emergency outpatient treatment for accidents is free. Even if treatment is free, you must pay part of the cost of the medicine (this is the same for UK residents as well!). The current prescription charge is £8.60. Medicines can be bought from the pharmacy counter at a chemist.

Needing a dentist

If you need dental treatment you will have to pay the full cost as a private patient. Should you have an emergency and need to be seen by a dentist in the UK you will be charged expensive fees. We recommend any major dental work be done in your own country to avoid expensive treatment. If dental work is essential we will contact a local dentist for you.

NHS direct (0845 4647)

If you should require either a doctor or dentist, our Student Welfare Clinic can assist you at any time.

Access to school building

Unless specified differently by the director, working hours for Broadstairs will be considered as:

Weekdays from 8am to 5.00pm for staff, and from 9.30am for students to 4pm.

Weekends: school is closed.

People with disabilities

Broadstairs can accommodate students with disabilities.

La seguridad

How safe is Broadstairs?

Broadstairs is a safe town providing you are sensible. Por favor:

  • Asegúrese de conocer la dirección y el número de teléfono de su alojamiento para usarlo en caso de emergencia y siempre llévelo con usted
  • Be sensible both during the day and especially at night
  • Do not get into a strange car, or hitchhike
  • No dejes tus maletas u objetos de valor sin vigilancia, podrían ser robados.
  • Do not carry large sums of money/cash around with you
  • Asegúrese de que su pasaporte y sus objetos de valor estén seguros
  • Pubs, clubs and discotheques can sometimes attract trouble, especialmente tarde en la noche. No te involucres
  • Informe cualquier incidente a la escuela y a la policía lo antes posible
  • Avoid walking home alone or walking in areas where there are no street lamps, including the beach
  • Si sales tarde, Trate de no hablar en voz alta o llamar la atención no deseada.
  • Tenga cuidado al usar su teléfono móvil en exteriores
  • Cuida tus pertenencias personales vayas donde vayas

tenga en cuenta: this is the same advice which would be given to anyone going abroad.

Be aware that our lifestyle in the UK may be quite different from your own country so when it comes to simple matters like crossing the road, cycling, awareness of other people on the street, and going out after dark, always think before you act! On the Emergency Services page, you will find telephone numbers to call if you experience difficulties or problems. Make sure you input these numbers into your phones in advance as it is ‘better to be safe than sorry’! Any valuables that you do not need to carry with you should be kept in your locked suitcase with your Host Family. There is no legal requirement for you to have a passport or identity card with you at all times in the UK so these, Bayas, can be left in your family home.

At a pedestrian crossing or traffic lights, remember to look left, right and left again before crossing; wear a safety helmet if you are cycling and always lock the bike when you leave it somewhere, if only for a few minutes.


From time to time, the school will test the fire alarm, in which case the alarm is sounded for between ten and 15 seconds only.

sin embargo, all cases where the fire alarm is sounded continuously must be treated as an emergency, and the school evacuated immediately.

It is the teachers’ responsibility to ensure their classrooms and all other areas of the school are evacuated.

In the event of a fire or a fire drill, please follow these instructions:

  • Leave the building by the nearest and safest route.
  • Walk to fire point 1
  • Close all doors behind you.
  • Do not take risks.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not stop to take personal belongings.
  • Do not return to the building for any reason until authorised to do so.
  • Not return to the building until the fire alarm has stopped and management have confirmed that doing so is safe.
  • Advise the management or a firefighter if you have reason to believe that anyone is still in the building.

For a more in depth guide please see our Health and safety Policy this will be a link to the policies pdf format

Salud y seguridad

Health and Safety Policy

Junior Health &; La política de seguridad

Care of Under 18’;s

Notes for Parents and Guardians of Students under 18

Consent Form Individuals Under 18 –; (faversham)

Safe Guarding

Safeguarding Under 18s policy

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