原来是家具设计师, 工作空间规划师和项目经理, Kerem has 15 years’; 战略工作空间管理经验. 从事教育行业5年. 他致力于为所有学生提供最好的体验. 在空闲时间,他与家人共度时光,他是运动和旅行的忠实粉丝.
Director of Studies –; 剑桥 CELTA, 三角洲, YL, QTS, 数字用户线, 教师培训师
凯特, 最初来自波兰, 教英语近15年. 她从很小的时候就对英语文化充满热情,在她的职业生涯中,她与来自世界各地的各个年龄段的学生一起工作. 她不仅在欧洲任教,还在亚洲和拉丁美洲任教. 然后她决定获得教师培训师的资格, 能够与其他老师分享她的经验. 她的爱好包括旅行, 跳舞和学习外语.
在他从事英语教育的二十多年中, 克里斯托弗曾是一名教师, 教师培训师, 学术经理, 和课程作者. 他曾在英国工作过, 日本, 新加坡和印度尼西亚. Christopher 拥有英语教学文凭和应用语言学硕士学位. 他的学术兴趣包括通过叙事进行学习和回忆. 他喜欢林地和沿海散步, 蟋蟀, 赛车运动, 日本文化, 为儿童和成人写小说.
最初来自梅德韦, 斯图尔特曾在多个行业工作过, 但最近正在教有特殊教育需要的学生. 斯图尔特热爱语言, 文化和聆听各种风格的音乐. 斯图尔特也曾经是一位音乐家,他选择吉他作为他的乐器.
最初来自叙利亚, 乔治 架起不同世界的桥梁. 他 已获得音乐制作人资格,并且正在成为一名电气工程师. He’;双语者和真正的文化探索者. 位于坎特伯雷, 他和他的家人拥有一家在 Tripadvisor 上排名第一的餐厅,深受我们学生的欢迎.
Emma has taught at various degrees of study, from Primary School to University level, and holds a PhD in The Contemporary Novel from the University of Kent and is an Associate Fellow of Higher Education. As such, she is enthusiastic about all aspects of English teaching and learning, in particular literature, the arts, and literary culture. Originally from London, Emma enjoys travel and exploring different customs, as well as meeting new people. When not reading or writing, she can often be found at the coast, or at home with her black cat Bram.
Anna’;的职业生涯主要涉及商业. 疫情过后,她决定接受更有价值的职业培训, 现在喜欢教授英语语言和文化.
Izzy, our English teacher, qualified at International House in Barcelona in 2009 and has since gained extensive experience teaching both adults and children. 她采用独特的教学方法, 在计划课程之前了解她的学生. 拥有五年巴塞罗那教学经验以及丰富的英国经验, Izzy 为英语语言教育带来了全新视角. Her students of all nationalities enjoy her engaging and personalized lessons as much as she enjoys teaching them.
Kate 是一名 PGCE 认证教师,拥有超过六年的 EFL 教学经验. She spent five years living and teaching in Japan and it was there that she found her talent for teaching. She is a bubbly and friendly teacher with a love for grammar. She loves spending time with her partner and their dog, brushing up on her Japanese, and trying new coffee shops.
Jack, our English teacher, lives in Ashford, 肯特. He loves teaching English and helping students achieve their goals, whether for personal satisfaction, academic study, a new career, or exploring new places. Jack holds a BA Honours in Comparative Literature, an MA in Creative Writing, and a Cambridge CELTA, and is preparing for his DELTA module 1 exam. He enjoys running, weight training, and reading poetry, classics, and memoirs about ultramarathon runners. Jack is dedicated to inspiring students and believes everyone can achieve great things one step at a time.
Part time Teacher –; RSA TEFL
自1982年弗吉尼亚州曾担任教师TEFL, 在此之前,她担任法语教师,并与联合国机构在英国和非洲翻译. 弗吉尼亚讲一口流利的法语, 西班牙和意大利. 她也有德国的工作知识. 弗吉尼亚州是兼职的学校,是一个了不起的老师有.
Ece 拥有英语语言和教学学士学位; 应用传播科学硕士- Public Relations& 营销传播; 公共关系和商业传播博士. 她自 1993 年以来一直在任教,并担任过各种学术管理职务,包括副校长, 学术院长兼系主任. 她写了3本书, 几篇文章, 和学术书籍中的章节. 她在各种国际刊物担任编辑,并在许多国际会议上担任主席. 她是一个藏书家和狂热的戏剧爱好者.
主题, 我们的财务官, 拥有会计学位. 他是一位真正的团队合作者,在需要时支持整个团队. 他热爱音乐,空闲时间喜欢参加音乐节.
Evie 是 HND 平面设计应届毕业生,她对一切创意事物充满热情,并且对组织有着敏锐的洞察力. 她将以灿烂的微笑和友善的态度欢迎您进入中心.
Anastasiia, our accommodation officer, has a Ph.D. in Economics and over 15 years of experience as an Associate Professor. She is a dedicated team player who ensures a smooth accommodation experience for everyone. She is passionate about Science, Psychology, Photography, and Traveling. In her free time, she enjoys cooking traditional Ukrainian dishes and spending time with her large family.
特蕾西, began her career in Banking at 16 and quickly advanced to Financial Advisor, 抵押贷款顾问, 及分行经理. In 2013, 她转到人力资源部, 获得 CIPD 资格. 英国语言之外, 特雷西是坎特伯雷市游泳俱乐部的主教练, 指导游泳运动员取得优异成绩. 她有两个热爱体育的才华横溢的女儿, one as a Gymnastics Coach and the other as a competitive swimmer and swimming coach. Tracey enjoys traveling, swimming, 读, and spending time with her family.
以其卓越的组织能力和物业管理背景而闻名, 马克斯在他的职业承诺与不拘一格的爱好之间取得平衡, 包括对游戏的热情,激发了他的战略思维, 以及对一级方程式赛车的热情, 这反映了他对速度和精度的热爱.
Evie 是 HND 平面设计应届毕业生,她对一切创意事物充满热情,并且对组织有着敏锐的洞察力. 她将以灿烂的微笑和友善的态度欢迎您进入中心.
Anastasiia, our accommodation officer, has a Ph.D. in Economics and over 15 years of experience as an Associate Professor. She is a dedicated team player who ensures a smooth accommodation experience for everyone. She is passionate about Science, Psychology, Photography, and Traveling. In her free time, she enjoys cooking traditional Ukrainian dishes and spending time with her large family.
Sales & 营销主管
辣椒 (辣椒) 是大师, 受CELTA和DELTA培训的老师,在欧洲拥有14年的教学经验, 北美和中美洲. 在过去的4年中,她一直在其他知名学校从事学生招募和市场营销工作. 她也是剑桥考官和OET对话者. 她的激情环游世界, 烘烤和跳舞莎莎.
Sales and Marketing Officer
MJ 拥有计算机科学学位并会说四种语言. 他为大学和当地球队踢足球. Marwan 与我们的学生分享他对这项运动的热爱, 建立牢固的联系并增强我们的社区精神.
Sales and Marketing Officer
Selen, Originally from Turkey, Selen 拥有建筑学学位,热衷于结识新朋友和探索不同文化. 现在, 她在追求销售职业的同时也培养了对学习语言的热爱. In her free time, Selen 喜欢画画, 玩电子游戏, 溜冰, 3D modelling and gardening.
Suleyman 与我们在一起多年. 他负责维修, 建筑物及其场地的景观美化和一般维护.