I was very sorry to see Simeon and Romy leave today. We will miss them both. I hope they have a good journey back home to Bulgaria tomorrow. Simeon mentioned that he would like to return with more of his family next Spring which will be really good. There’s a lovely photo of both of them up on Facebook-very romantic!
Another busy day today, Pete, a friend and a mad journalist who does all our publicity came round to discuss the completion of the 2014 brochure. Hopefully the brochure will be available by the end of the week. We are also adding bits and pieces to the website and getting ready to send out our next newsletter .
As always, we are miles behind all the other language schools!
The students are all working hard and we were excited to be starting a new Intermediate course book today, particularly Sam, who is teaching this group. Noel is taking the IELTS and Amanda and Sue are teaching the more elementary groups. Thank you Sue for spending time putting together the new IELTS folder for us.