If you are dreaming about taking an English course in the UK this year, here are some factors to consider:
How much time do you have? To learn anything, you need to devote time to it. Taking a few weeks away from your normal routines in order to focus on your English will bring you great benefits.
Many of our students spend two to four weeks with us. We usually see a real improvement in their confidence and fluency. You will benefit most if you are pre-intermediate level (B1) and above. A short stay in the UK really activates everything you learnt at school.
We usually have a good mix of nationalities, so English is the language that we use for socialising as well as classes. You will probably also stay with an English host-family and use your English in the evenings and at weekends.
You may need to use English at work, or to continue your studies. This is a good motivation. It is even better if you also want to use English to meet people and improve your job prospects.
At this time of year our students are often at that happy age between ‘teenager’ and ‘married with young children’ when they want to meet new people, have fun and experience new countries. If that’s you, then there is ‘no time like the present’ (no time better than now) to invest time in making your English better.
Another good motivator is to sign up for an exam. You will be surprised how that motivates you! Our most popular exams are IELTS, Cambridge First Certificate (FCE) and Cambridge Advanced (CAE). We run courses throughout the year.
If you want to know your level, contact us for our level test and advice ([email protected]).
The benefits of practising your English might include better intelligence, multi-tasking skills and memory. Being bilingual can also make you notice more, improve your decision-making and reduce the chance of dementia*.
Coming to Britain will give you a chance to shop in London, and enjoy some of the lovely attractions, countryside and beaches near our school. You can also taste small-town life in our pubs, clubs and restaurants.
That all sounds lovely, but the best immediate effect is that our students often make new friends from around the world and learn about cultures that they would normally never encounter.
You need to consider the cost of the course, the accommodation and spending money for day-to-day life.
Our prices compare well to many other schools. We have the advantage over many that our maximum class size is eight for morning classes (10 in the afternoon). Do take into account the benefits that are mentioned above, though, and also remember: if you stay at home in your country you will still need spending money at least! Our price list is HERE but contact us for a personal quote depending on how long you wish to stay.
So, are you ready to take a jump into that English course? Get in touch!
(*read more through this link to a Daily Telegraph article that quotes the relevant research).